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Kamala Harris ‘All the Way Under’ Donald Trump’s Skin: Mary Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris is “all the way under” Donald Trump’s skin, according to his estranged niece Mary Trump.
“Americans have known for a while that my uncle has the thinnest skin on the planet. We now know that Vice President Kamala Harris is all the way under it because Donald keeps admitting it,” Mary Trump wrote about her uncle in her newsletter, “The Good In Us.”
Mary Trump has been a staunch critic of her uncle, previously calling him “unhinged” and saying “democracy will be over” if he becomes president again. She previously published a book about the former president titled, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.
In her latest takedown of her uncle, Mary Trump praised the Harris campaign for its response to attacks by the Trump campaign, including the former president saying Harris would make a “terrible president” and admitting that he does not have “a lot of respect for her” or her “intelligence.”
“Donald can’t handle losing, but losing to a Black woman is particularly hard for him to bear. Harris’s campaign team deserves a lot of credit for understanding just how to put pressure on Donald’s very fragile psyche,” she wrote.
One of the Harris campaign’s main lines of attack on the Trump campaign has been to describe the former president and his running mate JD Vance as “weird” after he described prominent Democrats as “childless cat ladies” and Trump sought to defend him.
They have also issued a number of press releases which have sought to call out the former president for spreading “dangerous lies.”
“That’s quality trolling,” Mary Trump said.
“Their rapid-response and press teams are running an edgy presidential campaign that is unique, as far as I know, in modern American political history.
“It’s the kind of approach that both highlights and exacerbates Donald’s weaknesses. It also makes it impossible for Donald to stay on message and stay away from the kind of personal attacks that his advisors are desperate for him to drop because they’re endangering his reelection bid.”
“What the Harris and Walz ticket understands is that the best way to take down a bully with the kind of power Donald Trump has, the kind of unimaginable power he hopes to seize, is to mock him and encourage others to laugh at him,” she added.
Speaking to Newsweek, Steven Cheung, Trump’s communications director, said: “She has no idea what she’s talking about and should probably spend a little less time on Resistance Twitter and more time in the real world, where she would realize Americans support President Trump and want him back in the White House.”
Since Harris became the Democratic nominee for president, she has consistently been polling against Trump, with every national poll aggregator putting her ahead of the former president, including FiveThirtyEight, which puts her 2.6 points ahead of Trump.
It marks a stark contrast from the beginning of July, when Joe Biden was still in the race, and Trump was consistently polling ahead of him. This, according to Mary Trump, is a source of great frustration for her uncle.
“He continues to be furious that he’s no longer running against President Biden,” she wrote. “He has no idea how to combat the fact that he’s losing, so he engages in more cruelty.”
Mary Trump went on to note that it’s “not only getting under Donald’s skin” that’s going to propel Harris to win in November, “it’s the contrast between the campaigns.”
“On Friday, while speaking at her economic policy rollout in North Carolina, Harris remarked that she used to work at McDonald’s. Donald had a million dollars by the time he was a year old,” she wrote. A 2018 investigation by The New York Times found that by age 3, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s real-estate empire. He was a millionaire by age 8.
She also referenced comments made by Harris in a recent fundraising email where she talked about how she felt on election night in 2016 when Trump was elected as president.
“It was incredibly bittersweet. When I took the stage for my acceptance speech—to represent California in the Senate—I tore up my notes. I just said, ‘We will fight.’ Then I went home and I sat on the couch with a family-sized bag of nacho Doritos. I did not share one chip with anybody. Not even Doug. I just watched the TV with utter shock and dismay,” Harris wrote.
“That may be one of the most relatable things a candidate has ever said,” Mary Trump responded.
“I challenge anybody to come up with a comparable moment of honesty and vulnerability from Donald Trump.
“Kamala Harris isn’t afraid of Donald, and her campaign reflects that. But Kamala Harris also isn’t afraid to be herself, and her campaign reflects that, too,” she concluded.
